sâmbătă, 9 decembrie 2017

Session 7

Science of Happiness

Session 7

Relationships and Happiness

We talk about Peak experiences, meaning, rules of happiness in these sessions.
The ultimate ingredient of positivity, as identified by Barbara Fredrikson is

-          Love
-          Awe, inspiration, hope, interest, amusement, pride, gratitude, joy and serenity

Research involving the happiest people has proved that what they have in common is

-          Strong social support
-          Excellent relationships with family and friends

At the other extreme, there is a Clear and Present Danger for the isolated

-          isolation is twice as dangerous as smoking

Divorced men and women live shorter lives when compared with those who are married.

Nevertheless, the couples that experience marital problems on a regular basis, involving serious clashes experience the trauma equivalent to a car crash every day.

-          Divorce leads to shorter life in general

-          But marriages in really serious trouble =

-          A car crash every day

Harvard Professor Tal Ben Shahar mentions in his lectures some of the issues concerning relationships.

-          we do not present our real self to potential partners
-          The image we project is as close as possible to a desirable knight in shining armor
-          But the result is potentially disastrous

The most appreciated expert on marriage, relationships is John Gottman.
He has an astonishing accuracy rate of 93.6 in his predictions.

-          John Gottman, 93.6%
-          The 7 Principles of Making Marriage Work

John Gottman emphasizes, like Tal Ben Shahar, the need to know the partner in detail.
Without the mask that we so regularly hang on, in order to hide defects and enlarge qualities.

-          The Honeymoon effect
-          Two years

After two years, one can be married to Angelina Jolie and prefer someone who has the advantage, benefit of novelty.

-          Thomas Mann on love, friendship

We have to be cautious and yet enjoy love

-          my love is as a fever longing still...
-          My reason, the physician to my love has left me
-          Past cure I am, now reason is past care...


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