sâmbătă, 9 decembrie 2017

Session 6

Happiness and  education
Session 6             with italics for the screen

Education , Resilience

We talk in our sessions about calling, peak experience.
It is important to discuss education.

Alas, we have a wrong point of view from early on, when we attend school and are guided using "traditional values"

   -you have to learn to get good grades                              screen
   - good grades will lead to passing exams
   - you will get into a good school
                  - then a good job

But this is the recipe for a rat race. The child does not enjoy all this . It is always a question of I will be happy when I will have a good car, watch, money.
Harvard Professor Daniel Gilbert has demonstrated in his exhilarating

-          Stumbling, Upon Happiness, Daniel Gilbert, Harvard    screen

That we think we will be happy when we move to California, our favorite team will win the championship, etc.
But most of these concepts are myths.

-          One of the basis of education should be              screen
-          Teaching children to enjoy learning, the climb to the top
What now? Will be experienced if they do not get this concept

One way , maybe the only way, definitely the best attitude is to believe in the children, students

-          Pygmalion myth             screen
-          Pygmalion Effect

We need to be aware of the paramount importance of grit, resilience

-          In the two cookies test, children have been offered two choices
-          Those who manifested Delayed Gratification went on to perform better in later lives

One crucial element of success is practice, as shown by the wondrous Malcolm Gladwell in his

-          Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell
-          10,000 hours in ten years, Mozart Beatles

Also regarding attitudes towards education, research has demonstrated that we need to insist

-          signature strengths, not weak points
-          Merit finder, not fault finder
-          Maximizer vs Satisficer

Role models, like Roger Bannister should be studied, for their resilience, stamina are terrific examples

-          Learn to fail or fail to learn
-          Harvard Professor Tal Ben-Shahar

He gives his students the example of the man in the White House

-          I wish you fail more!
-          Why?!

Another ingredient that is generally absent would be patience and a slowing of this incredible speed with which we race through life

-          Story from Charlie Wilson

-          We shall see

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