duminică, 17 decembrie 2017



Experiments, principles and models, some of which appear to have miraculous developments…

if possible, the map of world happiness, which is on the right of this blog, could be included
I would like all the text on the screen, from here on:

-          Research and tests reveal fascinating aspects of our minds,
-          the mesmerizing manner in which our brains operate

For instance:

-          the “Time Travel experiment „from Harvard

-          Bhutan experiments with TV and HDP vs GDP
               Last country in the world to have TV, publicity- in 1999!!

 -             Respect for authority research
-              Guyana mass suicide

-              Coolidge effect
-              With the associated Honeymoon Effect

-              Stanford Prison experiment, Dr. Philip Zimbardo
-              Learned helplessness
-              Lasagna principle
-              Hamburger model
-              The happiness pie chart
-              Bystander effect
-              Tipping point and broken windows
-              Harding effect

-              At the Harvard University, they talked to maids and these...
-          Lost weight!!

-          The Swiss Cantons Study comparing democracy
-          It has astonishing results

-          Italian American community

-          The Nuns of the Notre Dame order

-          Gorilla in the Room


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