duminică, 24 decembrie 2017

session 5 series 2

Session 5

Healthy living habits

Healthy Habits

-          “We are what we regularly do
-          Excellence then is not an act but a habit “

-          Role models and the research involving the healthiest people give us plenty of information that we need to Apply!
-          The island of Okinawa, Japan,
-          Communities of Italian Americans
Image result for okinawa number of over 100
-          It has been established that

-          The chair kills

-          Even for those who engage in daily exercise

-          If they spend too long at the desk, the impact can be serious

Image result for pic of tall chairs on which you actually stand

-          Okinawa and its lessons:

-          Ikigai

-          70-80%, potatoes, very rarely meat

-          Italian Americans
-          Strong social bonds within the community
-          When financial success diminished that, heart rate problems increased
-          Mortality rates changed

-          Consider that what we place on the table gets eaten
-          Studies show that people who have fruit easily available eat that
-          If it is junk- chips, etc. that is at hand, we tend to eat that
-          place healthy foods in places with easy access

-          The ideas from the session on rituals with

-          the time it takes- around 66 days say some, others six weeks
-          after that, easy to do it, hard to get rid of a bad habit

-          eliminate TV
-          news are negative
-          even IQ levels drop
-          the example of Bhutan
Image result for pic of office furniture for actual workout
-          How to get rid of bad habits?

-          Place the remote at a distance
-          Shawn Achor and the guitar playing- near the sofa
-          If you have the remote, the snacks at a distance, you tend to avoid the effort

Image result for okinawa number of over 100

-          work with friends
-          it is easier

-          make public commitments

-          the de Gaulle example
-          once he had said that he will do…what was it?- he would not go back
-          “de Gaulle always keeps his promise or something

-          Passion in Adaptation- for orchids…Laroche

Image result for funny pics on habits

-          Use the ABCD method to stop worrying
-          Eliminate the habit of creating imaginary problems:
-          A- Adversity that can be real or just a fantasy
-          B- Belief that we entertain but is often baseless- The Khan has the crown
-          C- Consequences that often seem disastrous, but in reality most often prove enormous exaggerations
-          D- Disputation- involves contesting the catastrophe that we envisage and saying that we have often been strong in the past

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