duminică, 24 decembrie 2017

session 3

session 3

Learning Rituals and New Discoveries

To include from session on education, pics and all could be changed…

First of all

-          Serenity Now—the pic Seinfeld-
-          start positively!!

-          We need to address some of the flaws of education
-          Students learn because they are told to
-          Do not enjoy learning
-          Just want the damn high grades
-          Then the access to university

The learning curve

-          How much we forget after the first reading/day
-          Various models are available
-          But they mostly expose the fact that:
-          We Forget What we learn!
-          Almost completely

What to Do?

-          Teach others- for example take what you learn from here and
-          Explain it to friends and mates

Find what kind of a person you are
-          Morning
-          Night
-          Then try and learn in the best possible scenario, the optimal
-          Time

Introduce Flow

-          goals, feedback, concentration
-          set your goals
-          get feedback and concentrate
-          eliminate noise, distractions
-          getting back to the point where you were after 2 hours of work
-          Can take half an hour, after being interrupted!!


-          the chair kills
-          And getting some physical exercise helps the brain be more Efficient!
-          Don’t just glue yourself to the desk thinking there is not time to…”WASTE”
-          A short activity, walk outdoors would do wonders
-          You will assimilate better with a brief pause
-          Than with hours of interrupted reading


-          Having suggested a break, I must Highlight
-          Interruptions can be disruptive
-          Sometimes there is a benefit, a new idea may come up
-          But getting interrupted can be damaging, especially if repeated
-          Studies show that after two hours of work on a subject requiring intense concentration, an interruption can require an additional 30 minutes to get back to where we were

-          Learn to fail or fail to learn

-          Don’t worry about a thing

-          Outliers and the 10,000 hours

-          Find your calling:

-          Love to learn
-          Find the subjects you really like
-          This is what you will do most of your life!!

-          Sleep well

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