sâmbătă, 25 ianuarie 2014

Positive Psychology applied in Romania... Your feedback and involvement are appreciated

Dear Madam or Sir,

If you have any suggestions regarding this project, I would appreciate it. With funding and participation, our initiative will have a considerable impact and success.   


Improving the Happiness Level -Positive Psychology Applied in Romania

How can you help people in places where they need it most?

With Positive Psychology




·          The results are proven, tested, easy to use

·          The people targeted have some of the lowest levels of life satisfaction, happiness

·          There are a number of rules, methods that can be put in practice

·          Some examples are given on our facebook page, blog and are to be found on the internet in general

·          A practical example: The American Army works with the founder of Positive Psychology, Dr. Martin Seligman and we should all be aware of the potential of this rather new science




·          Promoting and applying principles demonstrated by Neuroscience and psychology

·          Involving political leaders, mass media, personalities, celebrities willing to participate in this project

·          One first step would be to launch a media campaign with posters, in parts of the city and

·          Depending on the financial backing, the campaign could extend to the mass media: TV, radio

·          The National TV Station could get involved and promote the message of this project, create -

·          Programs dedicated to this subject, debates, talk shows, educational games, etc

·          The ministries of Education, Health could support the Project and include it among their priorities

·          Romania could become the first country to organize “Positive Tours „whereby visitors boost their level of happiness through dedicated programs and activities”





·          The benefits could be huge- including an increase in GDP, if this becomes a National Program and/or National Priority

·          Results include higher productivity, because happier people work better, a fact proved by science

·          Reduced budget spending: NHS will spend less on people who have improved immunitary systems as a result of this program

·          There is too much to say in favor and much more can be found at http://charlusguermantes.blogspot.ro/

·          And on facebook, where we have initiated a group to develop this project.

·          We are still elaborating on this “work in progress”, but your feedback, support and involvement can only make the success of this initiative greater.


Thank you for your suggestions

Realini Ionescu


vineri, 17 ianuarie 2014

Proiect de Fericire Aplicata :)


OMG Smile- Proiect de Fericire Aplicata J


Stiinta moderna a descoperit si demonstrat ca nivelul de fericire poate fi crescut. O parte dintre studii sunt prezentate aici.

·         Avem un grup si un proiect indraznet, realizabil cu ajutorul tau:

·         Aplicarea unor principii demonstrate stiintific pentru a fi mai optimisti la scara…nationala:

·         Implicarea dumneavoastra, a unor factori de decizie, formatori de opinie, mass media, UE, FMI


In practica:

·         Un program concret : panouri publicitare, functie de buget, cu mesaj pozitiv, motivational

·         Exemple se pot gasi pe blog

·          sau la pagina de facebook/grupul create pentru acest proiect

·         Daca fondurile obtinute sunt mai mari, se poate lansa o campanie in mass media

·         Televiziunea Nationala (sau alta) poate decide sa se implice in acest proiect

·          Obtinerea unei finantari de la UE, Banca Mondiala si/sau sponsori, investitori privati


Alte posibilitati

·         Initiarea unor nuclee, “support groups” care raspandesc aceste solutii in comunitati locale

·         Organizarea unor seminarii, evenimente locale

·         Invitarea unor somitati: Seligman, Lyubomirsky

·         Folosirea virala (pe cat posibil) a social media, internetului

·         “bumper –stickere”, tricouri, biciclete cu mesaje positive- motivationale


Asteptam sugestiile tale

miercuri, 15 ianuarie 2014

Improving the Happiness Level in Romania

If you could give a few moments to this project, it is explained in just a few words here. If you/ your organization are interested to participate, back or promote it, please respond. If I’ve made a mistake: sorryJ.


Improving the Happiness Level -Positive Psychology Applied in Developing Countries- with Romania as a first step

How can you help people in places where they need it most?

With Positive Psychology, among other ways, of course





·          The results are proven, tested, easy to use

·          Money is difficult to reach individuals, it gets embezzled by officials or sheer bureaucracy

·          These people have the lowest levels of life satisfaction, happiness

·          There are a number of rules, methods that can be put in practice

·          Some examples are given on our facebook page, blog and are to be found on the internet in general




·          Promoting and applying principles demonstrated by Neuroscience and psychology

·          Involving political leaders, mass media, personalities, celebrities willing to participate in this project

·          One first step would be to launch a media campaign with posters, in parts of the city and

·          Depending on the financial backing, the campaign could extend to the mass media: TV, radio

·          The National TV Station could get involved and promote the message of this project, create

·          Programs dedicated to this subject, debates, talk shows

·          The ministries of Education, Health could support the Project and include it among their priorities

·          Romania could become the first country to organize “Positive Tours „whereby visitors boost their level of happiness through dedicated programs and activities





·          The benefits could be huge- including an increase in GDP, if this becomes a National Program and/or National Priority

·          Results include higher productivity, because happier people work better, a fact proved by science

·          Reduced budget spending: NHS will spend less on people who have improved immunitary systems as a result of this program




There is more  on facebook, where we have initiated a group to develop this project and the page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1444899429059621/member_suggestion/#!/pages/Happiness-is-a-Choice-Make-It/680539088652091
 It is still a “work in progress”, but your feedback, support and involvement can only make the success of this initiative greater.


Thank you for your suggestions

duminică, 12 ianuarie 2014

Romania - a Country With A Meaning

Opinia si implicarea ta sunt foarte apreciate

Pasii urmatori:


·         Workshops’ pentru a defini mai bine tintele, metode, principii

·         Comunicarea prin blog, facebook pentru ‘brainstorming’

·         Obtinerea drepturilor de autor, traducerea cartilor relevante

·         Crearea unor ‘grupuri de suport’ care pot dezvolta aceasta idée

·         Raspandirea prin primul astfel de grup creat la clubul de la fostul  hotel Bucuresti

·         Stabilirea unui cadru legal, pentru a evita consecinte legate de folosirea unui nume sau altul- de aceea folosesc pt moment “fostul Bucuresti”, compania actuala poate sa nu agreeze folosirea numelui intr-un proiect care poate acea amploare nationala
aici includem sugestiile tale :)


Cateva date

Este un proiect in lucru, plecat de la ideea ca e necesara o schimbare de perspective, de la abordarea actual- negative la  o ATITUDINE POZITIVA, OPTIMISM.

De ce

  • E un proiect simplu cu beneficii demonstrate stiintific
  • Daca se aplica la scara nationala rezultatele pot include:
  • Crestere economica si buget mai mare pentru MAI, prin reducere a violentei
  • E necesara o oferta Noua in spatial public- deprimant si pesimist acum
  •  Gandind pozitiv, vom avea alta perspectiva si rezultate mult mai bune



In perspectiva

·         Formatorii de opinie insisi prezinta o realitate sumbra cu impact asupra psihicului colectiv

·         Cativa dintre ei pot allege aceasta abordare diferita: optimism, gandire pozitiva

·          Daca aceste principia ar fi agreate de cativa lideri politici, capi ai bisericii L, acestia ar putea  transmite, influenta atitudinea celorlalti in mod Pozitiv

·         In ipoteza ca programul capata dimensiune nationala- ‘imaginea de tara”s-ar schimba in bine

·         Romania ar putea fi prima tara care organizeaza un “Turism Pozitiv” dezvolt mai jos ideea

·         La un moment dat, sloganul de tara poate deveni “A Country With A Meaning”

·         Sensul vietii ar fi sa faci Bine- e dovedit acum ca individual care face “Bine” se simte mai…bine- pentru sceptici- sunt date confirmate de studii, tomograf, etc

·         se pot include in programa scolara, macar cateva minute de Psihologie Pozitiva Aplicata


Valoarea stiintifica, poate functiona acest proiect?


·         Desi relativ noua, Psihologia Pozitiva a reusit sa demonstreze prin

·          Studii, experimente, tomografii, meta-analize

·         Validitatea principiului ca putem deveni mai fericiti

·         Exemple de Principii, activitati care pot fi folosite pentru a fi mai fericiti:

·         Unprincipiu este sa faci Bine, este numit cel mai egoist act, pentru ca:

·         Atunci cand faci bine altuia, se rasfrange asupra ta: Te simti, esti “mai bine” –fapt demonstrat de studii, tomograf si alte masuratori stiintifice



sursele, bibliografia sunt publicate mai jos si pe pagina si in grupul de facebook

As aprecia opinia si eventuala implicare in proiectul de aplicare a unor descoperiri relativ noi, dar confirmate in practica, din domeniul Psihologiei Pozitive, Neuroscience- la scara cat mai larga, in Romania.

· Exista cateva principii -demonstrate prin studii, tomograf, etc. - care pot imbunatati

· Optimismul, gandirea “pozitiva” si fericirea celor care le aplica

· Daca se ajunge la un “Program National” beneficiile ar fi considerabile:

· Produsul Intern Brut ar creste, ar aparea economii la Casa Nationala de Sanatate, samd

· Cei care sunt mai optimisti, pozitivi sunt mai productivi, se imbolnavesc mai putin

· Exista o serie de alte beneficii mentionate si pe facebook: avem o pagina si un grup initial

sâmbătă, 11 ianuarie 2014

Optimism can be learned. Neuroscientists have been working on it. Here are some ways:

From The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky -professor at the University of California http://sonjalyubomirsky.com/

Part II, Happiness Activities: Practicing Gratitude and Positive Thinking


“It is a truism that how you think about yourself, your world and other people is more important for your happiness than the circumstances of your life. The mind is its own place of itself and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell or Hell out of Heaven- John Stuart Mill.

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so…”- Hamlet


Happiness Activity Number One- Expressing Gratitude

Gratitude is many things: wonder, appreciation, savoring, present orientated, looking at the bright side.

 People who are grateful   have been found to be relatively happier, more energetic and more hopeful and to report more frequent positive emotions. They also tend to be more helpful, more empathetic more spiritual, more forgiving and less materialistic than others. The more a person is inclined towards gratitude the less likely she or he is inclined to be depressed, lonely, anxious, angry or neurotic.

Several experiments have been made: one group of participants has been asked to write five things for which they were grateful, once a week, for ten weeks. People in control groups were asked to think of 5 daily hassles or 5 major events. Relative to the control groups, those in the gratitude group tended to feel more optimistic, more satisfied with their lives, even their health received a boost- they reported fewer physical symptoms such as headache, nausea and more time spent exercising. Adults with chronic diseases have shown similar results. These studies show that individuals who express gratitude experience more positive attitudes and are more likely to feel connected with others, tend to catch more hours of quality sleep. The experiments show causal links between expressions of gratitude and mental and physical rewards.

In an experiment conducted by professor Lyubomirsky’s team, they have measured the happiness level, and then they implemented their gratitude intervention and when it was over, measured the happiness levels again. The gratitude intervention was similar to the one showed above: the participants were directed to keep a gratitude journal, to write down and contemplate 5 things for which they were grateful. The participants engaged in this happiness activity over the course of six weeks, half doing it once a week, every Sunday night and half three times a week. They covered a wide range: mom, healthy body, instant messenger. The participants became happier, compared with a control group of people who took no gratitude exercise: the gratitude group reported significant increases in their happiness levels from before to after the intervention.


You will be happier if you cultivate an attitude of Gratitude. How and Why? There are eight reasons to practice it:

1.       Grateful Thinking promotes a savoring of Positive life experiences by relishing and taking part in some of the gifts of your life you’ll be able to extract the maximum possible satisfaction and enjoyment from your circumstances.

2.       Expressing gratitude bolsters self-worth and self-esteem- when you realize how much people have done for you or how much you accomplished you feel more confident and efficacious.

3.       Gratitude helps people cope with stress and trauma- expressing gratefulness during personal adversity, a loss, chronic illness, hard as it may be, helps adjust and perhaps begin anew

4.       The expression of gratitude urges moral behavior- grateful people are more likely to help others and less likely to be materialistic: an Auschwitz survivor was described: his life was rooted in gratitude, he was generous because the memory of having nothing was never far from his mind

5.       Gratitude can help build social bonds, strengthening existing social relationships and nurturing new ones; keeping a gratitude journal can produce feelings of being connected with others. Several studies have shown that people who feel gratitude towards others, even when they never express it, experience closer and higher quality relationships with them. When you become fully aware of the value of friends and family members you are likely to treat them better, perhaps producing an upwards spiral in which strong relationships give you something to be grateful for and in turn fortifying these same relationships.

6.       Expressing gratitude tends to inhibit invidious comparison with others- if you were genuinely thankful and appreciative for what you have you are less likely to pay close attention to or envy what the Joneses have.

7.       The practice of gratitude is incompatible with negative emotions and may actually diminish or deter such feelings like anger, bitterness and greed. It is hard to feel guilty, resentful or infuriated when you feel grateful

8.       Gratitude helps us thwart hedonic adaptation- the hedonic adaptation is the remarkable capacity to adjust rapidly to any new circumstances or events, so if you gain something good in your life, a romantic partner, recovery from chronic illness, brand new car there is an immediate boost in your happiness level; unfortunately that boost is short lived. By preventing people from taking the good things in their life for granted, the practice of gratitude can directly counteract the effects of hedonic adaptation.

How you do it is up to you, but some suggestions will be added from this same magical book