duminică, 18 mai 2014

Happiness Improves Your Health and Your Life Expectation- tests prove this statement

Happiness Improves Your Health and Your Life Expectation- tests prove this statement


This is one of the best known and fascinating tests I have read about. It is mentioned in the best positive psychology books, from The Science Behind Your Smile by David Nettle to Die Glucks Formel by Stefan Klein (la Humanitas: Formula Fericirii).


·         In September 1932, the mother superior of the American School Sisters of Notre Dame

·         Decided that all new nuns should be asked to write an autobiographical sketch

·         These sketches were kept, and they have been rated by psychologists to show

·         The amount of Positive Feeling which they revealed

·         These ratings have then been compared with How Long each nun lived

·         Amzing results: the amount of Positive Feeling that a nun proved in

·         Her Twenties was an accurate predictor of How Long she Would Live!!

·         Of the nuns that still lived in 1991

·         Only 21% of the happiest quarter died in the next nine years, compared with

·         55% of the least happy quarter

·         This shows How Happiness Can Increase a Person’s life


Multiple tests show that Happiness results in

·         Physical health

·         More robust immune systems

·         Lower levels of stress-causing cortisol

·         when exposed to a flu virus

·         Happy people are less likely to contract the disease

·         They also recover better from major surgery

·         When one has a happy experience:

·         The body chemistry improves

·         Blood pressure and heart rate fall

Oscars aka Academy Awards test:

·         750 actors and actresses have been nominated for Oscars

·         Those who got an Academy Award went on to

·         Live Four Years Longer than the losers...

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