sâmbătă, 17 mai 2014

Debate, opinions and Goals... for the Happiness is a Choice...Make It - a page and group (on facebook) - you can join

Debate, opinions and goals


·         Once in a while, we may assess what the purpose was and where we are

·         This group was started to improve the happiness level of its members and beyond

·         As opposed to other means: posters, cat (or macaw) pics- we were supposed to…

·         Refer to science: Positive Psychology in particular

·         Albeit not very engaged, members of the group read the posts and even like them

·         Once in a while…variety may be the secret…

·         This is why I have and will try to use different methods:

·         The gratitude model,

·         the movies example,

·         sharing experiments and

·         tests

·         I will avoid however the mistake of making this just another “timeline”

·         With motivational one-liners (or ten-liners) which are counter-productive:

·         Tal Ben-Shahar, Martin Seligman and others emphasize the danger of

·         Using pop-psychology or

·         other forms of “easy steps” or

·         obvious and therefore Useless “advice”:

·         “money can’t may manners, a good hair day and so on…”

·         I mean: come on, this is a different standard we need here

·         More on the subject at



·         We are trying- up to ten participate, at least with a “like”

·         A small number of new members has been added

·         We are a bit far from the initial, utopic goal of gaining a countrywide audience

·         On the positive side, in 100 years maybe we will


·         One positive soundbite probably sounds like:

·         “if you made one person happy- good for you

·         If you made a few happy, that is Paradise”

·         Well, maybe- but compared with the goals and possibilities

·         We have a long way to go


·         We need more involvement from…you

·         Because the members we do have shy away from

·         Taking a front seat and sharing more

·         I keep trying to add more members- you could do that


·         I have made some small flyers which I have given away

·         The result is a small increase of…one (1) member Valeriu

·         The sky is the limit…there’s another cliché – I will try and adapt the

·         Initial, enthusiastic purpose and be happy with just a few more each month



·         As the scientific studies we have shared here point out:

·         Positive Psychology works: not with easy steps

·         Not with happy photos giving easy, but wrong advice

·         But with some Demonstrated techniques and proven results



·         I will to read the Positive Psychology Classics and share with you

·         The fabulous research in the field

·         For variety (a proven means to well being) I will include:

·         Tests like the one included below

·         Films with a positive Psychology message

·         Evaluations like this one and more

·         Feel free to engage, participate and share


As an example of an interesting study, here are those made by

Alfred Kinsey, Meston and Buss


Human Sexual Behavior


·         Engaging in sex feels good physically, emotionally and psychologically

·         Alfred Kinsey has studied sexual practices, with over 18,500 interviews:

·         Most people are not clearly defined as heterosexual or homosexual

·         50% of males and 26% of females admitted to extramarital affairs

·         Meston and Buss studied and found in 2007 -237 reasons why humans have sex:

·         Boredom, spiritual connections, sorry for person, power,

·         punish, hurt, love and many more

·         They interviewed 3,000 women

·         Sex results in better physical shape, reduced blood pressure, Increased immune

·         system functioning, reduced cancer (prostate) risk and a Longer Life

·         neurologically : the brain activates the “pleasure centre” releasing:

·         dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine and norepinephrine

·         after orgasm: prolactin, oxytocin- inducing feelings of relaxation, sedation

·         psychologically- sexual intercourse results:

·          increased self-esteem and confidence, reduced anxiety and depression and

·         Enhanced overall quality of life  (more with someone you care about,

·         than with strangers)

·         Sex can lead to self-development and growth, even eudaimonic happiness

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