duminică, 6 aprilie 2014

Happiness: Lessons from a New Science by Richard Layard

Happiness: Lessons from a New Science by Richard Layard

*      Enlightenment

*      Defines the Common Good as the Greatest Happiness of All -requiring us to

*      Care for others as well as for ourselves- it advocates a kind of Fellow- Feeling for

*      Others that in itself increases our Happiness and reduces our isolation


This is radical and excellent thinking from what starts as an Outstanding book:

*      We can develop a new vision of what lifestyles and what policies are sensible

*      Drawing on the New Psychology as well as on economics, brain science

*      Sociology and philosophy

*      This is an effort at a new evidence-based vision of how we can live better

*      If the book does anything, I hope it creates a bit more happiness


*      There is a paradox at the heart of our lives- most people want more income and

*      Strive for it… as societies have got richer, people have become no happier today than

*      50 years ago- this should cause each government to rethink objectives and all of us to

*      Reappraise our goals: this book is about the causes of happiness and the means to affect it

*      We have a lot of Evidence to change our personal choices and rethink government policy

*      The main evidence comes from the new psychology of happiness, but neuroscience,

*      Sociology, control trials, economics all play their part-

*      By bringing them together, we can produce a new vision of how we can live better

*      Both as social beings and in terms of our inner spirit


What Philosophy?

*      The philosophy is that of the Enlightenment, as articulated by Jeremy Bentham

*      Bentham was one of the greatest thinkers of the Enlightenment- he said:

*      “The best society is one where the citizens are happiest” so-

*      The best Public Policy is that which produces the greatest happiness

*      The Right Moral Action is that which produces the most happiness for the people it affects

*      This is The Greatest Happiness Principle and it is egalitarian and humane, close to the

*      Opening passages of the American Declaration of Independence

*      After socialism came individualism, where each is anxious to get things for himself

*      If we want to be happy, we need a concept of a Common Good-  Enlightenment

*      Defines the Common Good as the Greatest Happiness of All -requiring us to

*      Care for others as well as for ourselves- it advocates a kind of Fellow- Feeling for

*      Others that in itself increases our happiness and reduces our isolation



What Psychology?


*      The new psychology gives us insight into the nature of Happiness and

*      What brings it about

*      The Enlightenment philosophy can be applied using Evidence, instead of speculation

*      There is more on the subject in the book


What Social Message?


*      There is more to life than prosperity and freedom- our wants depend on what

*      Other people have and what we are accustomed to…they are affected by TV and

*      Advertising- we are driven by the desire to keep up with other people, which leads to

*      A status race, which is wrong- if I do better , someone else must do worse

*      People want security, want to trust other people- we are social and

*      Our Happiness depends Above All on our relationships with Other people

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