duminică, 13 aprilie 2014

From The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

In a nutshell, what I found interesting:

·         Six Degrees of Separation:

·         The theory is that we all connect through six degrees of separation.

·         The Broken Windows theory

·          It was used in dealing with and decreasing crime in places like New York.

·         If a neighborhood has broken windows, pretty soon it will have more crime and violence on the streets. The same things with graffiti-Disorder, broken windows provoke a feeling that crime is all right, the sense that there is no order; the sense that there is no authority allows crime to increase and turn to its more violent forms.

·         When they started painting over or erasing graffiti, cracking down on “petty” crime, policemen in New York discovered that they found guns on many of the people who committed these “small” offences. When they started sending people to jail for peeing in public places, the level of crime got down: In fact The Economist had the lowering level of crime on its cover and discussed in its lead article, in an issue from 2013

·         One surprise: children are better off with a bad family in a good neighborhood than vice versa: with a good family but living in a rotten area. I wonder how I should rate my gated community of self absorbed nouveaux riches…you think I am being pretentious? Pretentious, moi? The end is a joke from Fawlty Towers, starring John Cleese.

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