joi, 30 noiembrie 2017

Ideas on the happiness lessons

In the following lessons we offer you some of the rules of happiness.
They have been tested in various situations, by luminaries working with multiple participants.
You can engage with us by asking questions and you can also become a member of our happiness group- (we will create a new one, aside from Happiness is a choice)
In time, under conditions to be established, you can also travel to our city, where you will be able to participate in happiness activities.

Ideas for the lessons or whatever we will call them:

1.       Introduction to the Science of Happiness          
2.       Flow - Peak Experience
3.       Outliers and Finding Your Calling
4.       Blink and the Lightness of Failing
5.       Happiness in Practice with the Project to Spread the Word
6.       Learned Optimism
7.       Eudaimonia, The Rat race and Hedonia
8.       PERMA
9.       Positivity
10.   Optimism and advantages
11.   Learn to fail, or fail to learn
12.   Money and status
13.   Grit and resilience
14.   Stoicism and Happiness

Stories, examples, text to place on the large screen, for the respective lessons:

-          Dalai Lama in a supermarket – his willingness to accept science and change doctrine
-          Buddha and the hot coals, the rival who was angry with him and told to keep it for him as leftovers
-          The rabbi and the farmer
-          Pay it forward, Field of Dreams, You make me want to be a better man,
-          The Chinese who says- we shall see
-          Thomas Mann and the importance of words- Words Create Worlds
-          Italian shop keeper and Mihalyi
-          Stanford Prison experiment, Dr. Philip Zimbardo
-          Learned helplessness
-          Lasagna principle
-          Hamburger model
-           Bhutan experiments with TV and HDP vs GDP
-          Last country in the world to have TV- 1999!!
-          The happiness pie chart
-          Respect for authority research
-          Guyana mass suicide
-          Bystander effect
-          Tipping point and broken windows


-          Ellen Langer and the time travel experiment
-          Harding effect
-          Coolidge effect
-          Pygmalion experiment
-          Duchenne smile
-          Italian American Community
-          Democracy in Swiss cantons and happiness
-          Rosa Luxembourg in jail, Louis Ramirez, Aliosa, Italian homeless and Mihalyi
-          Notre Dame experiment
-          Bhutan TV and ads
-          Priming people with words associated with old age
-          Placing old individuals in plane flying stimulators
-          Facebook research and the effects of staying off it
-          The marshmallow test, delayed gratification

Some ideas to use:

-          Take idea from the titles you have already used, the eudemonia, charlus blog

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