marți, 29 iulie 2014

The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky- LIFE CHANGING, ASTOUNDING, FABULOUS, MONUMENTAL!!

The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky



One could describe this book in a sentence: It is Life- Changing!

And there is no exaggeration there.

Sure, there would be critics of this book who will try TO diminish it. There is one book I heard about, that tries to make the point that positive psychology is bogus. That book is nonsense in my view and not positivity.

There may be some ancient, common sense truths to be found in the book, and that sounds like a lessening of the work of professor Lyubomirsky and her colleagues, but only if you look superficially.

What fascinates me at this book and positive psychology in general is the tremendous amount of research, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the statements made are true.

We knew from time immemorial that it is good to be grateful. Indeed, it sounds like an oxymoron. For the skeptics it is one thing to preach:

-          Do good, for it will come back and make you feel happier

And it is quite another thing to prove that statements are true with scanners, tomography, RMOI and millions of tests. This new science is at the point where there are many meta- analysis, multiple tests are analyzed to verify conclusions on research which involves millions of participants.

The American Army is working with the founder of Positive Psychology, Doctor Martin Seligman and he is quoting frequently professor Lyubomirsky. And so do all the classics of positive psychology.

For the past year, I have tried to read Positive Psychology every day. Some books are so monumental, including this one, that I have a hard time finishing them. I give myself small portions and indulge in the pleasure, which I do not want to end.

In fact, Authentic Happiness has been in my ears (as an audio book) for months now…reaching the final 15’, I turned around and I keep reading past chapters. It is not reviewed, even if I have quoted from it a thousand times and I can basically say that I have read it 20 times over.

Same thing with The How of Happiness.

Reading positive psychology has inspired me to try and spread it around through …Romania. In the first stages of Happy Bliss, I thought that the highest officials would get the idea, love and apply it.

I talked to a senator and on a different occasion to the leader of a smaller party (PMP)…

-          The former said : interesting, thank you, good bye- Gone In Sixty Seconds (like Nicolas Cage)

-          The latter was more evasive, I think he saw that we could bring 20 votes and considering how small they are, that was why he gave me some of his time…without any further results

The Grand Design gave place to more modest endeavors. I created a “Happiness group’ on facebook, which you can join. Among the purposes and Goals (part of the recipe for life satisfaction is to have meaningful goals) of our group are: sharing, reading the best positive psychology books and communicating to the members what we have got from them…!/groups/1444899429059621/

We even try to apply what we read, with gratitude exercises, (small) acts of kindness, optimism, some spirituality…but hey, why don’t you click and see for yourself?!


1.       Happiness Activity No 1: Expressing  Gratitude –counting your blessings for what you have either to a close other or privately, maybe in a journal, conveying gratitude to one or more individuals you haven’t properly thanked

2.       Happiness Activity No 2: Cultivating Optimism - you can keep a journal where you write about the best possible scenario for you coming into being

3.       Happiness Activity No 3: Avoid Over thinking and Social Comparison- using strategies such as distraction to cut down on how often you dwell on your problems and compare yourself with others

4.       Happiness Activity No 4: Practicing Acts of Kindness- doing good things for others either friends or strangers, either directly or anonymously, either spontaneously or planned

5.       Happiness Activity No 5: Nurturing Social Relationships-picking a relationship in need of strengthening and investing time and energy in heeling, cultivating affirming and enjoying it

6.       Happiness Activity No 6: Developing Strategies for Coping-practicing ways to endure or surmount hardship or trauma

7.       Happiness Activity No 7: Learning to Forgive –keeping a journal or writing a letter in which you work on letting go of anger and resentment toward one or more individuals who’ve hurt or wronged you

8.       Happiness Activity No 8: Increasing FLOW Experiences-increasing the number of experiences at home and working which you LOSE YOURSELF, which are challenging, absorbing

9.       Happiness Activity No 9: Savoring Life’s Joys-paying close attention, taking delight in life’s momentary pleasures and wonders, through thinking, writing, drawing or sharing with another

10.   Happiness Activity No 10: Committing to Your Goals-picking one, two or three significant goals that are meaningful to you and devoting time and effort to pursue them

11.   Happiness Activity No 11: Practicing Religion and Spirituality- becoming more involved in your church, temple or mosque or reading and pondering spiritually themed books

12.   Happiness Activity No 12: Taking care of Your Body- engaging in physical activity, meditating and smiling and laughing


I would end in the manner of the book covers, cause if I were to write on the cover of a new edition I would put only words like; ASTOUNDING, MARVELOUS, LIFE-CHANGING, FABULOUS- you only need to read it and you will agree…if not, double money back guarantee…hey, if you did not like it and read it because I strongly recommend it…send a message and I will reimburse you.

This is a book YOU MUST READ!

For your family, friends and colleagues’ happiness.

Those who are happy are more successful, live longer and healthier lives and not only that:

But they make those around them benefit in the same way!

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