sâmbătă, 22 martie 2014

From The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden

In order to be happy, you need self-esteem…

You can read more in the book

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden

The following are Nathaniel Braden's Six Pillars of Self Esteem.

1. Living Consciously
2. Self-Acceptance
3. Self-Responsibility
4. Self-Assertiveness
5. Living Purposefully

*      Living Consciously: Be open to everything around you,

*       live in the present and

*      constantly seek out knowledge.


*      Self-acceptance: Being able to accept and take responsibility for our own selves,

*      whether it is our feelings, thought or actions.

*      Give yourself permission to think and do what you wish but

*      accept the responsibilities and consequences of your actions.


*      Self-responsibility: Own your choices and actions.

*      Always be self-aware of what you are doing and

*      how it affects those around you.


*      Self-assertiveness: Stand up for yourself and be assertive and authentic.

*      Live in reality and never be fake or untrue to yourself.


*      Living purposefully: Live life with a purpose, identify your goals and go for them,

*      keeping in mind what you need to do to achieve them.


*      Personal integrity: Live by your own truths, speak the truth and live by that.

*      Be fair and treat others fairly.

Follow these tips to help build a healthy self awareness:

· Make a list of the things your are good at. Keep a journal for this.
· Love your body, no matter what it looks like.
· Give yourself compliments everyday. Look in the mirror and tell yourself.
· Remember you can't change some things and accept it.
· Tell yourself to Stop when negative thoughts enter your head.

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