miercuri, 19 februarie 2014

About Positivity from the book...Positivity by Barbara Fredrickson, one of the best scientists in the field

Positivity by Barbara Fredrickson

Groundbreaking Research Reveals How to Embrace the Hidden Strength of Positive Emotions, Overcome Negativity, and Thrive

Ideas, notes from the book:




·         Consists of the whole range of positive emotions- from:

·         Appreciation to love, from amusement to joy, from hope to gratitude and more

·         It includes the positive emotions as well as the open minds, tender hearts

·         It even includes the long term impact that positive emotions have on your

·         Character, relationships, communities and environment

·         Positivity has captured the interest of science and the discoveries are stunning

·         The pleasant states alter your mind and body in ways that can literally help you

·         Create your best life


Six vital facts about Positivity

1.       Positivity feels good – it is obvious, but essential; positivity takes 10 forms

2.       Positivity changes how your mind works

§  Changes the contents of your mind – trades bad thoughts for good ones

§  Changes the scope or boundaries of your mind – widens the possibilities you see

§  You see a way to fit a missed exercise…

§  maintain a focus on larger goals

§  see past a mistake to be more forgiving

§  spot a missing item in the most unusual place

§  connect and trust a colleague

§  find a way to enter exercise in a busy schedule

3.       Positivity  transforms your future

§  Over time, positivity brings out the best in you

§  Positive emotions build up your resources –

§  Physical, mental, psychological and social resources

§   you sleep better, become more mindful of circumstances, optimistic

§  Resilient and have better connections

4.       Positivity puts the breaks on negativity

§  Negativity spikes your blood pressure, positivity calms it

§  Positivity flushes out the negativity from your system

§  Positivity is the secret to becoming resilient

5.       Positivity obeys a tipping point

§  A tipping point is the spot in between where a small change makes a big difference

§  Positivity can take you to extraordinary outcomes

§  With each successive good moment, you move upward and outward

§  There is a precise ratio 3:1 of positive to negative emotions to tip to the happy side

6.       You can increase your positivity

§  You have the potential for both negativity and positivity

§  You can tip the scales to unleash your potential to flourish

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